Dr. Paul Roberts, Sackler Keeper of the Department of Antiquities at the Ashmolean Museum, will talk to us at dinner on the subject of the exhibition he has organised, 'Last Supper in Pompeii', which will be held at the Ashmolean from July of this year until January 2020 and which will demonstrate the important role of food and drink in Roman society, from dining to religion. Dr. Roberts's research interests focus on the archaeology and art of the Classical Mediterranean, in particular the day-to-lives of ordinary people. He has excavated in Britain, Greece, Libya, Turkey and, above all, in Italy. New research from Oxford and Italy has unveiled secrets from vineyards, graves an the people of Pömpeii and Dr. Roberts's will illustrate his talk with slides.
This should br a fascinating journey back in time to Ancient Roman cuisine while we enjoy 21st. century fare in a well-know Paris venue.