The English Speaking Union Paris has invited our members to an illustrated lecture by Sophie Loussouarn, at which she will present her book "Fame and Faces", which is an excellent complement to the current exhibition at Musée du Luxembourg, "The Golden Age of British Painting".
She will present it with illustrations on
Monday 18 November 2019 at 6pm
at the Mairie du 7ème arrondissement, 116 rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris
To be painted by an artist such as Gainsborough, Reynolds or Zoffany was a social event. A portrait could change a woman’s social status and bring her fame as it was the only way to be known. Her beauty could be discovered and admired at the Royal Academy exhibitions. It was the emergence of modern-times celebrity.
But portrait was soon followed by caricature which mocked the women who had been extolled by portraits. Caricature appeared to have a moralising function displaying the foibles and vices of the beauties of the time.
Dr Sophie Loussouarn takes us into 18th century society which is in full expansion, and breaks with traditional rules.
Refreshments will be served after the presentation. Looking forward to seeing you.
Thank you for filling out the form and replying before November 14.